Kelly WolfmanImage not foundKelly WolfmanJan 1, 1970 Biography:Sin descripciónMovies Reasonable DoubtDr. BrownSilent NightGoldieLucky ChristmasNewswomanThe Haunting in Connecticut1920's Séance Attendee #3High LifeLynnEye of the BeastJen ThorsonDirector Time CutScript SupervisorMissing and AloneScript SupervisorOn the 12th Date of ChristmasScript SupervisorThe Secret IngredientScript SupervisorNight HunterScript SupervisorBreakthroughScript SupervisorOne Winter ProposalScript SupervisorLook AwayScript SupervisorWashed AwayScript SupervisorThe Midnight ManScript SupervisorThe Choking GameScript SupervisorShows None 😵