Yoshihiro IgarashiYoshihiro IgarashiSep 6, 1942 Biography:Sin descripciónMovies The Lowly Ronin: Hanayama DaikichiBored Hatamoto: Letter of DeathYakuza LadiesAppassionataThe Shogun AssassinsNuns That BiteHokuriku Proxy WarThe Great Okinawa Yakuza WarThe Most Perverted Post War CrimesSister Street Fighter: Fifth Level FistTamotsu MizushimaOperation Plazma in OsakaConfessions of Lady MantisThird Generation BossBattles Without Honor and Humanity: Police TacticsNoboru MizukamiBattles Without Honor and Humanity: Proxy WarMinakami MinoruHikage-MonoRed Peony Gambler: Execution of DutyRed Peony Gambler: Here to Kill YouBrave Red Flower of the NorthRed Peony Gambler: Biographies of a Gambling RoomThe Cross of VengeanceBrothers Serving TimeInferno of TortureTattoo Artist AThe Biggest GambleYakuza on FootOrgies of EdoYoung man BRed Peony Gambler: Gambler's ObligationRed Peony GamblerA History of the Japanese UnderworldEleven SamuraiClassmatesSamurai Wolf IIRub Out the PastCold Rice, Osan, ChanLord Tokugawa IeyasuFemale Ninja MagicThe DomainDirector None 😵Shows None 😵