Bogdan DumitracheBogdan DumitracheMay 2, 1977 Bucharest, RomaniaBiography:Sin descripciónMovies Three Kilometres to the End of the WorldThe FatherGood Boys Go to HeavenDanMagasmentésFélix SándorWoodlandGheorgheSnowing DarknessMan and DogDoruSpirálBenceHeidiChirvasiuAlice T.ZoliA Decent ManPetruMiss SueñoPororocaTudorMaritaSieranevadaReluDoubleGeorgeThe Miracle of TekirFather AndreiWhen Evening Falls on Bucharest or MetabolismPaulChild's PoseBarbu - SonBest IntentionsAlexLoverboyDumitrachePortrait of the Fighter as a Young ManLaurian Hasiu - LeuStuck on ChristmasAlexThe boxing lessonVictorThe Death of Mr. LazarescuCrash Test DummiesNicolaeTraficTudorDirector None 😵Shows None 😵