L. Harvey GoldL. Harvey GoldJan 1, 1946 Biography:Sin descripciónMovies Death is Smoking My CigarsThe Klondike Gold RushNarratorFatal PerformanceLev GoldblattHitched for the HolidaysMelFrankie & AliceBar Executive #1Lies Between FriendsMr. WhitneyWatchmenNew Frontiersman EditorThe SuspectPete BronskiStranger in My BedJay LoganWhite NoiseBusiness ManOn the CornerBernieTheyProfessor CrowleyDoor to DoorMan in TractionRat RaceHigh RollerCircle of DeceitDraperMr. MagooSchmittMarried to a StrangerPsychiatristA Call to RememberAl WeissFearPetermanRobin of LocksleyLyle Gibson Sr.Generation XDonberryBroken TrustCarl BrechtBad CompanyDoctorDouble CrossMacDonaldDirector None 😵Shows Roswell Conspiracies: Aliens, Myths and LegendsJames Rinaker (voice)Action Man