Chi ShuaiChi ShuaiNov 14, 1980 Qingdao,Shandong Province,ChinaBiography:Sin descripciónMovies Treasure HuntingLu HuanshanYasha My DeepestloveShuraMatrix Dream MazeThe Incredible Water MonsterPaper BeautyThe Fire PhoenixYan ZunEmpathic MasterWang KeKill The MonsterUndercover Punch and GunMagnumThe VoiceBe TogetherSmileCalvinDirector None 😵Shows Winter BegoniaChang Zhixin一克拉梦想Ye GuangyiXue Ding Shan薛丁山Fairy FoxThe Four Brothers of Peking杜立寒, 童玉儒The Temptation to Go Home高文彦五星红旗迎风飘扬钱学森Tale of the Oriental SerpentYan Feng, Yan Zhongshu爱本无罪Zuo JianhongOne Meter SunlightThe Story of a Noble FamilyLiu Chun Jiang