Paul DemangePaul DemangeApr 12, 1901 ✝️ Nov 28, 1983Mirecourt, Vosges, FranceBiography:Sin descripciónMovies The GroperSerious as PleasureLe "spécialiste" des jeux de cartesLa Cage aux follesTabaro, accountantThe Grand Duke's New ClothesThumbs UpLa visite de la vieille dameLobyLe bourgeois gentil mecLes gros malinsSecond pharmacistThe Men in the FamilyLe clochardLes enquiquineursLe pêcheurChérie NoireL'huissierMission to CaracasCicéronL'or du ducWhen the Pheasants Passle marchand de vieux papiersLes pieds nickelésle conciergeAgent 38-24-36Bank directorHow to Make a French DishThe sacristanL'assassin connaît la musiqueLe voisin qui se lève tôt de LionelJosefa's LootGrandmotherRèglements de compteLe ScorpionArsène Lupin vs. Arsène LupinMaitre PuisetteAlerte au barrageLa Fille du torrentThe Seven Deadly SinsM. Verdier (segment "L'envie'") (uncredited)L'EnvieMr. Verdier (uncredited)The Last JudgmentMiser in ParisPantalaskasThe librarianSecret professionnelOh! What a MamboLe fourreurIt Only Happens to the LivingHead Against the WallThe Motorcycle CopsHairdresserA Certain Mr. Jo(uncredited)Premier maiSinners of ParisTruffaut (uncredited)In Six Easy LessonsFélicienLe Chômeur de ClochemerleThe Fast SetLe régisseurWhite SmokeIt Happened on the 36 CandlesConciergeQuelle sacrée soiréeThe controllerExplosive Vacation!L'homme dans la baignoire du Coq HardiFric-frac en dentellesMonsieur EspinasseL'irrésistible CatherineMiss CatastropheSpringtime in ParisMichael StrogoffTelegraph ClerkWhen the Child AppearsLes pépées au service secretLe chef d'orchestreTonight the Skirts FlyMonsieur PommeauIn the Manner of Sherlock Holmes(uncredited)The Adventures of Gil BlasLamelaThe IndiscreetIf Paris Were Told to UsFouquier-TinvilleThirteen at the TableLe pianisteUne fille épatanteLe valet de chambrePleasures and VicesCherchez la femmeCrime BoulevardFrou-FrouLe régisseur (uncredited)Le CrâneurConciergeThe Babes Make the LawL'encaisseurThe Amazing Mr. CallaghanThe bartenderCasse-cou, mademoiselle!Nuits andalousesPadre de Dominique (no acreditado)On the BenchJulesThe Roundup is for TonightMr. MercadierObsessionLe barman (uncredited)Vice DollsGustave, the bartenderMadame du BarryNights of ShamePalace of ShameNestorLeguignon the HealerLe pharmacienThe Secrets of the BedAnatole chériAnatoleThe Scheming WomenÉmile CarcassoneQuai des blondesun clientBoom on ParisStanislas, the professor's assistantStrange Desire of Mr. BardMy Brother from SenegalLe colonelNapoleon RoadThe Three MusketeersUn aubergisteLe Petit JacquesOld handsomeThe Sparrows of ParisFire Under Her SkinUne nuit à MegèveThe DrunkardA regular (uncredited)My Husband Is MarvelousBassetLe Gang des pianos à bretellesThe leader of the gangstersThe Lottery of HappinessThe Fighting DrummerHoliday for HenriettaA hairdresser (uncredited)Her Last ChristmasProfessor MéraudThe Road to DamascusBeauties of the NightLe petit monsieur qui veut reprendre le piano (uncredited)Ils sont dans les vignes...Station masterBuridan, hero of the tower of NesleSimon MalingréDrôle de noceMister TaxiLe petit homme qui téléphoneLove Is Not a SinTenantThis Age Without PityOperatorMy Wife Is Formidableun déménageurNights of ParisJewelerLe Passage de VénusTrapuGood Enough to EatThe owner of the Auberge de l'HermitièreEl sueño de AndalucíaLe régisseur (uncredited)Bibi FricotinLe ConservateurAndalusiaStage manager (uncredited)Lawless StreetAnatoleThe Treasure of CantenacJeanPrelude to GloryLe brocanteurSending of FlowersTimorous spectatorA Certain MisterLéonardDeath ThreatRoom attendantLe 84 prend des vacancesPaluchistanian ministerKeep an Eye on AmeliaMillionaires for One DayLe collègue de Pierre BergerGigiEmmanuelThe Red AngelLa vie est un rêveDr. LaennecLe client enrhuméThe Cupboard Was Bare'Le Frisé'Cité de l'espéranceFrankieThe Execrable Fate of Guillemette BabinMaître NicolasImpasse of Two AngelsMinusMan to MenLe Dessous des cartesAnnouncerRapide de nuitMonsieur GrandScandals of ClochemerleToumignonCab Number 13The Killer is ListeningMickMonsieur VincentUn sacristain (uncredited)Les maris de LéontineLe charcutier de MachonvilleSilence Is GoldenLe sultan de SocotoraSchool for PostmenChief PostmanDestinyThe detectiveBack Streets of ParisMarcel le coiffeurHer Last PartChristine se marieThe Ideal CoupleDirector of JustexWomen's GamesPottery sellerLand Without StarsLe clerc de notaireBehind These WallsAndré MorgetRoger the DisgraceSong of the Clouds(uncredited)Faut ce qu'il fautSylvia and the Ghostle conseillerThe Queer AssignmentTraveler on the boatSt. Val's MysteryThe Last MetroPamélaMember of the committeeThe Black RiderPlumeThe Bride of DarknessChildren of ParadiseLe deuxième auteur de "L'auberge des Adrets"Coup de tête(uncredited)Children of ChaosRegistrar (uncredited)L'aventure est au coin de la rueGentleman in the carGood Evening Ladies, Good Evening GentlemenThe Woman Who DaredLucrèceConciergeMalariaFou d'amourThe thriftyThe Blue VeilPons (uncredited)Midnight in ParisL'Ange GardienNotaryMademoiselle SwingLe Chef de GareThe Woman I Loved the MostHairdresser (uncredited)The House of the Seven MaidensThe Chain BreakerLe photographe (uncredited)Ce n'est pas moiMontmartre on the SeineThe commissionerLe valet maîtreThe Last One of the SixFabienThe Black DiamondChauffeurThe Duelle narrateurPour le maillot jauneThe journalistNarcisseThreatsLe domestiqueWhirlwind of ParisCommissionerHis Uncle from NormandyYamilé Under the CedarsValetTrois artilleurs à l'opéraLe greffierSavage BrigadeVidocqDeputy EusèbeThe conciergeMétropolitainNewspaper employee (uncredited)Three WaltzesThe Enchanted RoadOfficerA Foolish MaidenKatiaConsumerClodocheUn soir à MarseilleJosephChipéeChamps-ElyseesL'empreinte rougeLe greffierL'Homme sans cœurBach the DetectiveMr. DuboisL'Amant de Madame VidalThey Were FiveUn locatairePluie d'orThe FlameThe Land That DiesLe notaireTrain de plaisirEmployeeThe Crime of Monsieur LangeCreditor (uncredited)TopazeFanfare of LoveImpressario de Pierre, Jean et des " Tulipes Hollandaises "Princess Tam TamBit PartLa BanderaThe Hotel ManagerDirect au coeurDirector None 😵Shows FoncouverteLe petit monsieur