Gérard DarrieuGérard DarrieuSep 11, 1925 ✝️ Jan 22, 2004Arnicourt, Ardennes, FranceBiography:Sin descripciónMovies Netchayev is Backl'imprimeurJoan of Arc, the Power and the InnocenceNot found in TMDBRobert de BaudricourtPetit Conle légionnaireLes PrincesGendarmeSarahBelgianThe ProfessionalL'instructeur PicardAu bout du cheminl'artisteMy American UncleLéon VeestrateLe père AmableVictorThe TrackMauroisThe Dominici AffairClovis DominiciLe Reflet dans la merThe Hostage GangMaurice PerretDecemberLa tuile à loupsJustin BelardDon't Deliver Us from EvilÉmileThe ConfessionPolicemanL'Auvergnat et l'AutobusZBarone, activist of the CROCAsterix and Cleopatra(voice)Shock TroopsLe camionneurSale temps pour les mouchesNeunoeilMademoiselleBouletLes malabars sont au parfumPetrossian - un agent russeThe Sleeping SentinelBoissierWeekend at DunkirkUn lieutenantThe Great Spy ChaseAgent FiducLet the Shooters ShootRaoulGypsy LawThe Elusive CorporalCross-eyed manVengeance of the Three MusketeersThe Fenouillard Family'Souris-Bibi'The Nabob AffairThe Dialogue of the CarmelitesThe BossConference copThe Thousandth WindowBilloisLovers on a TightropeThe Cat Shows Her ClawsJean-LoupA CoupleM. MignonSigned, Arsène LupinUn acolyteWitness in the CityPierre, Ancelin's colleagueThe ChasersUn ami de FreddyThe WreckersEnd of DesireUn pêcheurEt ta sœur...Le pompisteSans familleThe poacherIncognitoLes MisérablesFeuillyElevator to the GallowsMauriceSénéchal the MagnificentUn gangster (uncredited)Girl on the Third FloorL'agent cycliste au billet de loterie (uncredited)The Count of BragelonneLe Chasseur de chez Maxim'sStudent passed the baccalaureateSins of ParisCrimson CurtainA stagehand in the theaterJudgement of God(uncredited)Three WomenA hussarLove Is Not a SinMover (uncredited)Sins of MadeleineHotbed of SinThe bellboyJuliette, or Key of DreamsUn prisonnierParis IncidentYoung flirtyDirector None 😵Shows Joan of Arc, the Power and the InnocenceRobert de BaudricourtL'îleSans famillePère BarberinEmile Zola ou la conscience humaineColonel Henry