Nakajirō TomitaNakajirō TomitaNov 1, 1911 ✝️ Nov 15, 1990Tokyo, Tokyo Prefecture, JapanBiography:Sin descripciónMovies Gate of FleshHoritomeHuman Revolution IIThe Blossom and the SwordThree Little GeishaHairpin CircusOld ManMysterious Thirteen Nights: Chapter 10 - The Woman Who Nails Ghost Stories喜劇 男の顔は人生よA Kamikaze CopWolves of the City, Money HuntersRebel Against GloryWolves of the City, Operation "Rat"Red LionKisoya KaheiRising Dragon: Soft Skin GamblerRuthless Gambler前科・仮釈放Quick-draw OkatsuSamurai BannersTakada NoriyoriSworn BrothersSugitani RisaburouEast China SeaHigh School GeishaOutlaw: HeartlessThe Return of the Filthy SevenBurning NatureRise Against the SwordSachibeiCaptive's IslandGreatest Boss of the Showa EraBy a Man's Face Shall You Know HimA World For TwoThe Rule for a VagabondChivalrous LifeKojiki taishōThe Gambling SamuraiGarakutaSamurai from NowhereThree Outlaw SamuraiOndaVanquished FoesSamurai PirateTenjikuRiver Washes Away the MoonThe Symbol of a ManNishinoNotorious BastardBoss, KingAll My ChildrenHead PriestEscape from HellSadagoroHana to ryuUragirimono wa jigoku dazeGekkyū dorobōGang vs. G-MenTakeji MaedaHarakiriHoshi no hitomi o motsu otokoTokyo BayMasudaSeven Miles to NakayamaG-Men in the PacificKageyamaI am the JudgeYagyu Chronicles 3: The Valley of OutlawsThe Orphan BrotherYakkogashira No Gonroku (voice)Fine Man腕まくり七色娘Living by KarateShinkaiGolden Peacock Castle, Part 1Wild PalanquinIf You're Man Enough風来物語 あばれ飛車The Swordsman In The Golden ValleyThe Sand City in ManchuriaLeeG-men of Japan 5: Skyscraper WolvesThe Man of Seven FacesBloody Account of Jirocho: Raid on the RoadBloody Account of Jirocho: Duel at AkibaYakuza of InaRoninReturn of the One-Armed SwordsmanThe Princess Says NoThe Travel notes of Choshichiro - Peregrine GoblinWindy StreetA Young Rabble 2Ghost Story: One Eyed JizoHell's Companion決闘不動坂の大仇討Tange Sazen: Mystery of the Twin DragonsThe Hidden FortressSlave Buyer (uncredited)Girl with the Fire Banner黄金奉行Fireball MagistrateSecret of The Golden SpellTani Daihachi直八子供旅A Chivalrous SpiritGlorious Standard BearerTorawakamaru, the Koga NinjaIshikawa GoemonBlack River(uncredited)StepbrothersOshidori kenkagasaCase of a Young Lord 4: Bridal Robe in BloodThrone of BloodMilitary Commander #2旗本退屈男 謎の紅蓮塔Cantankerous EdoShimizu Port of Chivalry旗本退屈男 謎の幽霊船Gale Winds! Tengu KaramaFighting BirdsAsataro the CrowPolice PrecinctThe Maiden CourtesanYoung TreeMilk deliverly shop owner (uncredited)Samurai III: Duel at Ganryu Island(uncredited)Seven Masks of RevengeThe Dancer and Two WarriorsHirado PiratesGolden Valley浮かれ狐千本櫻Rikidozan no tetsuwan kyojinTonomuraThe Black FuryCaptain Onishi of the Kyuryu-maruZenigata Heiji: Ghost LordOmatsuri hanjiroThe Eagle of the PacificJirocho's Home-Coming悲劇の将軍 山下奉文Jirocho Begins His Roving LifePirates新遊侠伝 遊侠往来Director None 😵Shows Attack, Jun