Ichirō ZaitsuIchirō ZaitsuFeb 22, 1934 ✝️ Oct 14, 2023Kumamoto, JapanBiography:Sin descripciónMovies Swing me AgainKenzaburo Kizima (78)Autumn BlossomsOishinboMantaro KyogokuKazu no FūkeiRikyuAbbott Kokei再会・殺意の方程式Image not foundShunsuke KatsuMelodramaThe Gentlemen’s AllianceTree Without LeavesFatherBlack BoardPrincipalSurgical Designs in FlamesJazz DaimyoKurozaemon IshideCongratulatory SpeechRyosuke SaotomeThe FuneralSatomiMitsugetsuTetsuaki's fatherSecret of the Forbidden ValleyNogare no machiDetective StoryOkanoP. P. RiderShimadaAt This Late Date, the CharlestonCriminalThe Imperial NavyYokohama BJ BluesUshitakumaGraffiti Youth: Sneaker BluesBarefoot Gen Part 3: Battle of HiroshimaTroubleman Laughs and KillsThe Tragedy in the Devil-Mask VillageUdagawaTarao BannaiDetective UdagawaThe Love and Adventures of Kuroki TaroPermanent BlueBridal Cruise忍術・猿飛佐助猿飛佐助正義だ!味方だ!全員集合!!Onna no NatsuMachi no HiUmekichiAkumyo: Notorious DragonStray DogDriverDeeper Than BlueKatsumotoA Woman Who Warns of DeathOnna Ikitemasu: Sakariba WataridoriDoctor IshiBeyond the RainbowOtsuMy Voiceless FriendsThe Instant Services BureauPrice of LifeIchiroKaiun ryokōOh, My Comrade!KatoCharming MenTora-san's Grand SchemeTora-san's Cherished MotherKanjaOne Two PunchLady with Seven FacesBig, Big FellowNewspaper reporter大安旅行The Funeral RacketInagakiMappira shain yūkyōdenNew Year TripIsshin Tasuke: Edoites Festival笹尾喜内Director None 😵Shows Marriage Begins With A LieMizusawa TettaTennō no Ryōriban女の夏