Mark IrvingsenMark IrvingsenJan 1, 1970 Biography:Sin descripciónMovies AftermathWisdomSafer at HomeAntonioTwinkle All the WayPark Ranger ChrisAn Accidental Zombie (Named Ted)Sergeant AngusMountain Man: Adventures of Breckinridge ElkinsBill ElkinsHero of the UnderworldHenryIf I Tell You I Have to Kill YouMale DoctorPay the GhostAngry Villager #1Revelation Road 2: The Sea of Glass and FireIrvingThe Book of EstherGasparFinding NormalLester TooleNipples & Palm TreesWayne - the Hippie PriestChopRayClemencyGas Station AttendantMestenoAbsolute EvilRingoChain LinkAnthonyMammothDeputy DinoWhen a Killer CallsThe MadmanScarecrow SlayerBobNate and the ColonelScoutScarecrowFarmer Hailey, BurtHollywood VampyrAnubusA Real JobNathanDirector None 😵Shows None 😵