Sergio RossiSergio RossiApr 10, 1921 ✝️ Feb 11, 1998Roma, ItalyBiography:Sin descripciónMovies Emma sono ioCostantinoManiaci sentimentalipadre di MaraMiami GolemProfessor SchweikertPetomaniacEdoardo VIITowards ZeroThomas RoyleEyes Behind the StarsLeader of 'The Silencers'Dimenticare LisaColonnello OsbourneThe Green TrailNot found in TMDBThe LieutenantGammaNot found in TMDBProfessor DuvalThe Man with Mirrored GlassesEmilio CabriniLa fine dei GreeneMarkhamCrime BossDon Turi PetralìaOthonRutileAfrica AddioNarrator (voice)24 Hours of TerrorPierre (as Sterling Roland)Iron My Skin !Director The MedalDirectorPolicemanDirectorShows The Green TrailThe LieutenantGammaProfessor DuvalPhilo VanceJohn MarkhamCome un uraganoGeoffrey Stewart