Wellson Chin Sing-WaiWellson Chin Sing-WaiOct 14, 1957 Hong Kong, British Crown Colony [now China]Biography:Hong Kong Director.Movies I'll Call YouManny's Office BossKung Fu HustleNeighbour AThe CrucifixionBig EyesCrazy Hong KongMan in ElevatorMiracles: The Canton GodfatherPoliceman at StationThey Came to Rob Hong KongSauna managerThe Inspector Wears Skirts IIReturn of the Lucky StarsMao's thugProject A: Part IIReporterNaughty BoysYes, Madam!Mainland RobberMy Lucky StarsChief's Dumb ThugThe Owl vs BomboGang MemberPom PomPumpkin HeadWinners & SinnersChan Chiu's ThugThe Dead and the DeadlyAdultererCarry on PickpocketSheng's Thug on Ship, Robber in ToiletThe Prodigal SonMaster MunEncounters of the Spooky KindPolicemanThe VictimBathhouse AttendantThe Magnificent ButcherMaster Ko's Disciple (uncredited)Crazy PartnerOdd Couple(extra) (uncredited)KnockaboutCasino ThugThe Incredible Kung Fu MasterStudentWarriors TwoThunder's MenEnter the Fat DragonThugThe Iron-Fisted MonkDirector The Extreme FoxDirectorVampire HuntersDirectorBelieve it or NotDirectorStreet Kids ViolenceDirectorTeme GotchiDirector24 Hrs Ghost StoryDirectorJuly 13thDirectorThe Day that Doesn't ExistDirectorOnce in a Life-TimeDirectorThe Third Full MoonDirectorSuper Lady CopDirectorThou Shalt Not SwearDirectorCrazy Hong KongDirectorThe Inspector Wears Skirts IVDirectorThe Inspector Wears Skirts 3: Raid on Royal Casino MarineDirectorPrince of the SunDirectorGhostly VixenDirectorThe Inspector Wears Skirts IIDirectorThe Inspector Wears SkirtsDirectorNaughty BoysDirectorMy Lucky StarsAssistant DirectorWheels on MealsAssistant DirectorWinners & SinnersAssistant DirectorThe Dead and the DeadlyAssistant DirectorCarry on PickpocketAssistant DirectorThe Prodigal SonAssistant DirectorEncounters of the Spooky KindAssistant DirectorThe Magnificent ButcherAssistant DirectorKnockaboutContinuityShows None 😵