Shōgorō NishimuraShōgorō NishimuraJan 18, 1930 ✝️ Aug 1, 2017Shiga Prefecture, JapanBiography:Japanese film director. An exceptionally prolific contributor to Nikkatsu's Roman Porno series of films.Movies Pinku Eiga: Inside the Pleasure Dome of Japanese Erotic CinemaSelfShirobara gakuin: Waisetsuna hōkagoTakahashi TeacherWhite Rose Campus: After School IncidentNot found in TMDBGigolo: A Docu-DramaVisitor in Bath HouseErotic LiaisonsYûzô NakamuraDirector The King of Minami: Bankruptcy TakeoverDirectorThe King of Minami: Lovers ContractDirectorThis Is ShinogiDirectorOishii Onna-tachiDirectorSisters To Be SacrificedDirectorFlower and Snake 4: White Uniform Rope SlaveDirectorSnake and WhipDirectorAkai kinryōku: haado koa no yoruDirectorFlower and Snake 3: PunishmentDirectorFemale Bank Teller: Rape OfficeDirectorFlower and Snake 2: Sketch of HellDirectorUno Koichiro no momosaguriDirectorHigh School Teacher: MaturingDirectorHigh School Teacher: MaturingDirectorRan no nikutaiDirectorApartment Wife: New Town SanctuaryDirectorMarumo Jun no chijo densetsuDirectorFujun'na kankeiDirectorShunjômuDirectorFemale Teacher: Twice RapedDirectorCrimson Night DreamDirectorIro zangeDirectorMizuho Nakagawa: High School Girl SEX PlayDirectorWoman with Pierced NipplesDirectorShungaDirectorHoteru himeDirectorAnne's LullabyDirectorRenzoku boko: Hakuchu no inmuDirectorPleasure in the MirrorDirectorMadam Scandal: Let Me Die for 10 SecondsDirectorBeautiful Sisters: SeducedDirectorMy Girlfriend Wears an UniformDirectorFemale Teacher in Rope HellDirectorLustful Life: Night Make Me Wet!DirectorUno Koichiro no Hiraite UtsushiteDirectorUniform Girls: The Fruit Is RipeDirectorUno Koichiro no Shûdôin Fuzoku Joshi-ryôDirectorHell of RosesDirectorNaku onnaDirectorKangofu nikki: Waisetsu na karuteDirectorTanshin funin: Niizuma no himitsuDirectorWhite Uniform in Rope HellDirectorUno Koichiro no nurete modaeruDirectorEros Nights in TokyoDirectorRope and SkinDirectorMarital War in KibogaokaDirectorForbidden OrdealDirectorKoichiro Uno's Wet and OpenDirectorRope CosmetologyDirectorButterfly WebDirectorKoichiro Uno's Nurse's DormitoryDirectorLady Black RoseDirectorGate of FleshDirectorApartment Wife: Rainy Day AffairDirectorShowtimeDirectorThe Red Petal Is WetDirectorTissue Paper By the Geisha's PillowDirectorLusty Wife: Temptation of FleshDirectorMidsummer Night's Affair: BlissDirectorExposure: Call Girl's TestimonyDirectorTsumatachi no gogo wa yori: kannō no oriDirectorApartment Wife: Flesh FinancingDirectorLady Ecstasy: Pleasure ProfoundDirectorNew Lesbian World: RaptureDirectorJoyous MomentsDirectorRed Light Tobita BrothelDirectorNew Apartment Wife: Prostitution in Building #13DirectorSecret Book: Peeled EggDirectorKarūseru Maki: yoru wa watashi o nurasuDirectorStolen PleasuresDirectorGypsy Rose: A Docu-DramaDirectorApartment Wife: Afternoon SeductionDirectorWandering Seagull: Night in KushiroDirectorSex-Crime Coast: Piranha SchoolDirectorSwedish Porno: The House of BeastsDirectorApartment Wife: Playing with FireDirectorThe ClimaxDirectorConfessions of an Adolescent Wife: Shocking!DirectorAfternoon Affair: Rear WindowDirectorThe Sloe-eyed SirenDirectorApartment Wife: Agony AfternoonDirectorThe Shadow on the WallDirectorApartment Wife: Secret RendezvousDirectorSigh of RosesDirectorDrifter's AffairDirectorMidnight VirginDirectorLone RebelDirectorThe Blazing ContinentDirectorSeishun no kazeDirectorThe Aftermath of WarDirectorHawk of the HarbourDirectorBurning NatureDirectorThe Black SheepDirectorFearless ComradesDirectorGoodbye Mr. TearsDirectorReturn of the WolfDirectorThe Gambling MonkDirectorLove in GinzaAssistant DirectorThe Storm over ArabiaAssistant DirectorThat Guy and IAssistant DirectorWhistling in the DarknessAssistant DirectorFor This We FightAssistant DirectorFighting DelinquentsAssistant DirectorThe Warped OnesAssistant DirectorJungle BlockAssistant DirectorThe Girls and the StudentsAssistant DirectorA Secret RendezvousAssistant DirectorBreak Down that WallAssistant DirectorSaijo katagiAssistant DirectorCrimson WingsAssistant DirectorThe Flesh Is WeakAssistant DirectorShows None 😵