Toshio ShibaToshio ShibaApr 27, 1947 Biography:Sin descripciónMovies 巨悪は眠らせない 特捜検事の標的黛新太 総理大臣Nōhime: Wife of a SamuraiZatoichi: The LastKitagawaThe UnbrokenPresident DomotoFree and Easy 12: Big Holiday Bonus ProjectDirector in Charge of Human Resources AkaguchiThe Crazy Fisherman's Diary 12: History's Greatest Paid VacationNot found in TMDBDirector in Charge of Human Resources AkaguchiEmbalmingKagerō 4Lost ParadiseHaruhiko MatsubaraOishinboMikawaPro Golfer Oribe 2: Par is FineYouth Peony LanternTôhôkenbunrokuShadow HuntersLast Run: 100 Million Yen Worth of Love and BetrayalUltra Q The Movie: Legend of the StarsJun ManjomeSure Death! 3Bakumatsu seishun graffiti: Ronin Sakamoto RyomaZota IkeuchiYou Gotta ChanceModori RiverThe Legend of Love & Sincerity: ConclusionThe Temple of the Golden PavillionA Blood Stained Love AffairGodzilla vs. HedorahYukio KeuchiTokyo Earthquake Magnitude 8.1Director None 😵Shows Dark SuitPresumed GuiltyShigeru UranamiWakko no kin medaru門田徹(バレー部監督)Onihei Hankachō酒井祐助Murder Case: Lover SwapMr. Kinpachi in Class 3BYasuiThe Roads Men TravelSamejimaSilver KamenKoji Kasuga, Silver Kamen