Ryuji AkiyamaRyuji AkiyamaAug 15, 1978 Kitakyushu, Fukuoka, JapanBiography:Sin descripciónMovies KaburagiMeters Away, Worlds ApartGirl's PlayKurodaNight Is Short, Walk On GirlDon Underwear (voice)Slapstick Brothers宇宙で1番ワガママな星Detroit Metal CityTerumichi Nishida/CamusPokémon: The Rise of DarkraiDai (voice)Cromartie High School: The MovieMakio TanakaDirector None 😵Shows Chronicle of Isobe IsobēNanigashiDear RadianceFujiwara no SanesukeCreator's File: GOLDStory of My Family!!!OsadaIsekai Izakaya "Nobu"God/Angel/Devil黒い十人の秋山오페라 가수, 미인 비서, 외국인 화가Shouga Dorama Oda NobunagaHITOSHI MATSUMOTO Presents DocumentalTanaka Express 3Seishi Momoyama