Shunsuke NakamuraShunsuke NakamuraFeb 16, 1975 Gunma, JapanBiography:Sin descripciónMovies Matsumoto-san from ChibakenKyotaro Nishimura Travel Mystery 72Koya no ShomeiImage not found巨悪は眠らせない 特捜検事の標的楽田恭平 JWF(ジャパン・ウェルネス・ファンド)社長Black RoseYasufumi SenaTensai Bakabon 2TakashiOdd Detective 14Kyoichi HonmaThe DriverImage not foundToshiaki SaigoDouble Meaning: Chain ReactionDetective Conan: Shinichi Kudo and the Kyoto Shinsengumi Murder CaseSakuraba ReiichiThe Silent Sword: Loyalty and Honor扉は閉ざされたまま伏見Speed MasterHayato AkaboshiWatashi ga watashi de aru tame niTales of the Bizarre: 2006 Spring Special武内 透ウーマンズ.アイランド~彼女たちの選択The Files of Young Kindaichi: The Legendary Vampire MurdersKeisuke HiiroDark Tales of JapanKodera (segment "Crevices")RockersJinKamen Rider Agito: Project G4Customer in Hamburger ShopEkidenThe Girl Who Leapt Through TimeKazuo Fukamachiテレサ・テン物語~私の家は山の向こう郭孔丞Director None 😵Shows #ColdGameYuichiro KisaragiKeihen Line Story: Welcome to Private Homestay KizunayaKuga SosukeAlive: Dr. Kokoro, The Medical OncologistOnda TakumiMirror TwinsNaoshi Kobayakawaあまんじゃく~元外科医の殺し屋 最後の闘い~Woman of RumorNaoyuki KashimaDoctor CarAsagi Yuusuke小杉健治サスペンス 決断The Kindergarten DetectiveYamauchi RenPrince Charming Best Age for Pure LoveAkio KurosawaKeiji 110 kiroMitsuyoshi KiuchiPresumed GuiltyMinoru Naruse借王HanchoMurasame AkihikoPrisonerYuzurihara TakuyaAbsolute BoyfriendAsamoto MasashiAttack No.1Shinsuke HongoTsuhan-ManMakoto YamadaSummer SnowSeiji Tachibana(橘 青児)Bloody Journal of the ShinsengumiSoji Okita