Allan HydeAllan HydeDec 20, 1989 København, DanmarkBiography:Sin descripciónMovies The Shamer's Daughter 2: The Serpent GiftDavinThe Ash Lad: In the Hall of the Mountain KingPrince FredrikWhere Have All the Good Men GoneWilliamFather of Four: Wild HolidayPeterSummer of '92Flemming PovlsenDryads - Girls Don't CryThomasTyranMig og kærlighedenImage not foundKevinThe Shamer's DaughterDavinDanny's DoomsdayFiskerKolbøttefabrikkenFrank, medicinstuderendeFather of Four: Onkel Sofus ReturnsPeterThe MiracleFly On the Wings of LoveNollerYou & Me ForeverTobiasExteriorsAllanFranky, FranklyMadisonDværgen og luderenPlease StayMikkelAwakeningCarstenDirector Fly On the Wings of LoveDirectorShows Fars DrengePelleCold HawaiiMads-EmilBelow the SurfaceSilas JensenChristmas WishesMichaelHeartlessPieter Stockman