Kanjūrō ArashiKanjūrō ArashiDec 8, 1903 ✝️ Oct 21, 1980Kyoto, JapanBiography:Sin descripciónMovies Heaven SentHeaven SentNot found in TMDBDead AngleDynamite Don-DonGenzo OkayaOre wa inaka no puresurīOrange Road ExpressJapanese Godfather: AmbitionYanosuke KawamotoTora-san Meets His LordshipTonosamaThe Executioner II: Karate InfernoOnitoraJapan's Top GangsterFemale Yakuza TaleSeizô ÔgiThe Mute SamuraiNot found in TMDBPoemMoriyamaModern Lady GamblerThe Kanto Scarlet Cherry GangShinboriThe Viper Brothers: Prison Gang 13Evil Boss vs. HenchmenChivalrous Man: Junkyard of LifeRed Peony Gambler: Here to Kill YouHidegoro OmaedaThe Path of the KingZenhachiro MinamiKigeki Gyanburu HisshôhôGambler's Code - Loyalty OfferingYukyo-retsudenPrison TalesModern SororityRed Peony Gambler: Oryu's ReturnTeppokyuZatoichi Meets YojimboHyorokuThe Fort of DeathTazaemonVermillion Sword: Scabbard Code Sword Amidst the Swirling Cherry BlossomsYanagikichi InubushiKanto Street PeddlersShowdown at NagasakiShinkichi HirataChivalrous PrideThe Private PoliceThe Elder Sister100 GamblersRed Peony Gambler: Second Generation CeremonyYojiro KawabeRed Peony Gambler: Flower Cards GameTeijiro SugiyamaProfound Desires of the GodsYamamori FutoriEast China SeaThe Marked ManOnce and For All Pt.2Abashiri Prison: Challenge to the EvilOnitoraNorth Sea ChivalryTears of BanishmentOnce and For AllAbashiri Prison: Duel in HokkaidoGame of Chance 2A Colt Is My PassportShimazuAbashiri Prison: Duel in the Snow CountrySecret Agent 101Judo vs. KarateAbashiri Prison: Duel in the SouthThe Bullet and the HorseBy a Man's Face Shall You Know HimTadazo OnogawaSeventeen Ninja 2: The Great BattlePrison Walls of Abashiri 4Zoku seiun yakuza - ikari no otokoKoshikawaPrison Walls of Abashiri 3Asahi OyabunBlood of RevengeHukuichi EmotoPrison Walls of Abashiri, Part 2OnitoraAbashiri PrisonTorakichi AkudaThe Third Contest13 AssassinsSaheita KuranagaLegends of HonorThe Pacific War and Himeyuri CorpsCommander UshijimaFûun ShinsengumiKondo IsamiHonno-Ji in FlamesTokugawa IeyasuQueen Bee and College Boy RyuSennosuke SakuraJigokuEnma皇室と戦争とわが民族Emperor Jinmu, Hideki TojoDecisive Battle at Kuroda CastleEnigmatic Explosion of the Battleship MutsuShigetaro ShimadaDaitengu shutsugenTōkaidō yajikita chin dōchūKatsura KogoroCasebooks of Dandy Sashichi: Naked Princess and Mysterious Bear ManEmperor Meiji and General NogiEmperor Meiji復讐秘文字峠The Shadow Avenger決闘不動坂の大仇討The Pacific War and the International Military TribunalHideki TojoKyōen Kobanzame黄金奉行Holiday in JapanEmperor & Empress Meiji and the Sino-Japanese WarEmperor Meiji稲妻奉行Traitors of the Blue CastleHarada Kai修羅八荒 猛襲伏魔殿剣聖 暁の三十六番斬りEmperor Meiji and the Great Russo-Japanese WarEmperor Meiji勤王? 佐幕? 女人曼陀羅Appeal on the CrossSôgorôGale Winds! Tengu KaramaRevenge at Jorurizaka 2: Bloody Battle at DawnRevenge of Jorurizaka 1: Attack at Onibushi Passむっつり右門捕物帖 鬼面屋敷Teru hi kumoru hi dainihen Part 01Kenkyō edo-murasakiGenta ShigureSunset Over Mount FujiMizutani SeinosukeKurama Tengu: Anonymous letter to TenguKurama TenguCasebooks of Detective Umon: The Incident of the Fawn-Pattern ClothUmon KondôSatsuma-bikyakuKaruma Tengu: The Fire FestivalKurama Tengu: Acrobat in a lion maskYasubei NakayamaYasubei NakayamaConduct Report on Matashiro: The Devil Princess and Winter RainMatashirô Sasai右門捕物帖 片眼狼Tenpo Suikoden - Otone's Night FogÔhara YûgakuRinchiSeikichiWhite-haired DemonMeiji no kyōdai最後の攘夷党花婿太閤記Thus the Divine Wind BlowsKurama TenguSea Raiding UnitTaiko's Rising in the WorldChushinguraKurama TenguThe Skull CoinOgasawara IkinokamiIso-no-genta's SwordDetective Umon's Diary, Story No. 6Umon's First Exploit'Muttsuri' UmonThe Frightful Era of Kurama TenguKurama tenguKurama TenguChushingura: The TruthDirector None 😵Shows Akō RōshiLife of a FlowerTokugawa Nariaki