Aleksandr BarushnoyAleksandr BarushnoyNov 7, 1914 ✝️ Apr 19, 1977Kharkov, Russian Empire [now Kharkiv, Ukraine]Biography:Sin descripciónMovies Tale About Czar Pyotr Arranging Arap's WeddingЭквилибристшпрехшталмейстерLand, Poste Restantemanaging directorAn Hour Before DawnЦирк зажигает огниРозеттиLiberation: Direction of the Main BlowAlan BrookeLiberation: The Fire BulgeAlan BrookeCrashгенерал французской разведкиWar and Peace, Part III: The Year 1812War and Peace, Part I: Andrei BolkonskyWar and PeaceБуря над АзиейGeneralRusskiy Suvenirdoctor AdamsDirector None 😵Shows None 😵