Zheng GuolinZheng GuolinMay 27, 1976 Shanghai, ChinaBiography:Sin descripciónMovies The Fire PhoenixXue ZunThe Turtle IslandTomb Empty CoffinBao ZhengDragon's AwakeningIf You Cherishes MeImpetuous Love in ActionDirector None 😵Shows Sacred Tree Has HeartPrince Bei Rong菊花醉胡少英The Legend of ZhuohuaLove You Seven TimesKing Mo LuoLost You ForeverHaoling EmperorTill The End of The MoonQu XuanziThe Journey of ChongziZhuo YaoLegacyWang Jian ChiJue Mi Shi MingBig CousinThe HeiressChen ChenglanSmile in SpringHe JiangshanAs Flowers Fade and Fly Across the SkyEmperor家国恩仇记The Legend of ChusenSong DarenI Have a DreamYe Dalin孤胆英雄像火花像蝴蝶飘摇人生李健龙Beauty WorldLi Zhi五星红旗迎风飘扬邓稼先Four Women ConflictHappy 7 Fairies董永Flying DaggersSui Tang Heroes李世民Wind and CloudHuai MieMr. WinnerFang TiandaThe Legendary Siblings 2小江还我激情安桥Amazing StoryYoung Master Of ShaolinHu HuiqianShow Time BluesImmortalityJiang Xi