Ranko HanaiRanko HanaiJul 15, 1918 ✝️ May 21, 1961Osaka, JapanBiography:Sin descripciónMovies Kyūsenman no akarui hitomiImage not foundJacks and JillsTaeko (Michiru's mother)Appeal on the CrossImage not foundA Wife's HeartThe Tale of JiroImage not foundThe Shiinomi SchoolFumiko YamamotoNonki saibanFive SistersLove LetterWhere Chimneys Are SeenKatsuko Ishibashi珍説忠臣蔵YozeninSunset Over Mount FujiGeisha KotaroMuntinlupa no yo wa fuketeKimie UematsuRepastKoyoshi DohyaMiki, the Swordman新遊侠伝 遊侠往来新遊侠伝Ginza CosmeticsShizue SayamaUnder the Blossoming PeachConduct Report on Matashiro: The Devil Princess and Winter RainOtsuta右門捕物帖 片眼狼Tenpo Suikoden - Otone's Night FogO-KumeGuntō nanban-senSnow-FlakeTsurukoRinchiOkayoZenigata Heiji Detective Story: Heiji Covers All of EdoLiving ImageA Second LifeInvitation to HappinessThese Foolish TimesAs Long as I LiveDuel at Yagyu ValleyHaruna敵は幾万ありとてもNichijô no tatakaiThe Way of DramaHot WindYasukoMilitary Song of the Morning MistOsumiSanshiro SugataOsumi KodanaExploits of Heisuke IsokawaWings of VictorySky of HopeChiyoThe PoppySayokoA Fond Face from the PastOsumiThe Monkey KingKannonWife of a LilyThe Fighting FiremenOshimoNumazu Officer SchoolOld SongsBlizzard RoninŌma no tsujiFallen BlossomsAkiraThe Best Lord in JapanThe Woman Aiming for the ShogunNangoku taiheikiTsunade, Hachirota's daughterIshimatsu from the ForestYasubei HoribeKuriyama DaizenGreat Bodhisattva PassTange Sazen and the Pot Worth a Million RyoOginoKunisada ChūjiGion ShigureBanquet Under the Midnight SunDirector None 😵Shows None 😵