Kan YanagiyaKan YanagiyaNov 8, 1911 Biography:Sin descripciónMovies A Taxing WomanGrocery Store OwnerHazardous GraduationDynamite Doctor ReturnsThe Man from Planet AlphaMoment of TerrorDetectiveDestroyer YukikazeYearningMr. KagaA Woman's LifeRabble TacticsMasuda ShobeiCrazy OperationCase of a Young Lord 10: The Mystery of the Spider LadyHaruko no ōen danchōPleasant Company次郎長社長と石松社員 威風堂々Nippon no obaachanTenka no Kaidanji Senpū TarōThe Prickly Mouthed Geisha, Part 4KajimuLord Mito: All Star VersionThe Prickly Mouthed Geisha, Part 3Police Precinct Part 14Outlaw Under a Blue CanopyThe Prickly Mouthed Geisha Part 2Return of the One-Armed SwordsmanThe Human Condition II: Road to EternityTanoue NitôheiMoonlight Mask: The Last Death of the DevilMoonlight Mask: The Challenging GhostMoonlight Mask: The Monster GorillaThe Happy FamilyMoonlight Mask: Claws of SatanGorohachiVoice Without a ShadowSuzumotoThe Naked SunThe Abandoned SwordsWith Songs in My HeartMoonlight Mask: Duel to the Death in Dangerous WatersMoonlight Mask三代目 魚河岸の石松Shiroi natsuEight Hours of TerrorSeikichi HanashimDancing SistersFrankie the MilkmanDaisuke AokiKingorô no omawari-sanTonari no yomeNikoyon monogatariSeishun wo warera niYamamotoFunny Friend: The Baby and ExpressThe MotherlessThe WolvesTrigger HappyTurbid YouthThe Black Current悲劇の将軍 山下奉文Children of HiroshimaTokyo SweetheartDoctorForty-Eight ManThe Skin of the SouthSanpeiDispersed CloudsSasaki KojiroThe Blue PearlShintaroSwords and BrocadeThe White OrchidKoibitoHakobu-chanSenka o koetePursuit At DawnThe Angry StreetDuel in the SunJournalistConduct Report on Professor IshinakaSeijiro, Yoshiko's brother-in-lawEscape at DawnYamamotoEscape from PrisonStray DogPolice OfficerWings of VictoryMother Never DiesThe Man Who WaitedA Man's Flower Road of TriumphThe Battle of KawanakajimaSakuzôTravelling ActorsSenpei Nakamura - the HindlegsMachiFishmonger RyuusanShanghai Landing PartyBeautiful DepartureRainbow HillMan HikingThe GiantDirector None 😵Shows None 😵