Yasushi ŌshiroImage not foundYasushi ŌshiroJan 1, 1970 Biography:Sin descripciónMovies The Shogun's Vault IV: The Gold Mines of SadoSamon’s Hell Revenge: Unauthorised Jutte Records 2 - The Assassination of the ShogunImage not foundThe Shogun AssassinsThe Rapacious JailbreakerThe Viper Brothers: The BlackmailersBattles Without Honor and HumanityKeeperThe Viper BrothersKanto Street PeddlersAkakage: 3-D Adventure MovieGamblers: The Dragon TattooEighteen Years in PrisonSeven FugitivesWatari, the Ninja BoyThree YakuzaWarrior of the WindUta matsuri akagiyamaEdokko NagayaWhile TravelingDenshichi Torimonocho: Man without ShadowAbekobe dōchūTravels of Hibari and ChiemiGolden Peacock Castle, Part 1Yagyu Chronicles 2: The Secret SwordBloody Account of Jirocho: Raid on the RoadBloody Account of Jirocho: Duel at AkibaDirector None 😵Shows None 😵