Kojirō KawanamiImage not foundKojirō KawanamiMar 14, 1935 Osaka Prefecture, JapanBiography:Sin descripciónMovies Bored Hatamoto: Letter of Death長七郎江戸日記スペシャル 長七郎 大奥まかり通るYakuza LadiesA Samurai's Sorrow: The Deadly SwordImage not foundAppassionataSamurai ReincarnationThe Shogun AssassinsThe Viper Brothers and the Young GeneralThe Rapacious JailbreakerThe Tattooed HitmanKogarashi Monjiro 2: Secret of Monjiro's BirthTsurukichiThe Erotomaniac DaimyoEvil Boss vs. HenchmenThe Kanto Brothers' Code of HonorThe Viper BrothersRed Peony Gambler: Gambler's ObligationSasagawaIndustrial SpyCode Between Brothers 5Shintaro HojoClassmatesThe Gambler's LawShowdown of Men 2Seven FugitivesRub Out the PastCode Between Brothers 2Miyamoto Musashi V: Musashi vs KojiroChivalrous NatureThe GamblerLord Tokugawa IeyasuThe Great Duel20 Duels of Young Shingo - ConclusionDirector None 😵Shows None 😵