Shōroku Onoe IIShōroku Onoe IIMar 28, 1913 ✝️ Jun 25, 1989Biography:Sin descripciónMovies Kabuki TechniquesImage not foundEjima and Ikushima市川団十郎Edo no yubae堂前大吉Guntō nanban-senYamabuki nekoImage not foundTanuki gotenImage not foundChuji for SaleImage not foundRônin-gai - Dai-san-wa: Tsukareta hitobitoImage not foundMuriyari sanzengokuImage not foundThe Frightful Era of Kurama TenguChôshichi of HayabusaKurama TenguAkuma no hoshî no shita nîImage not foundThe Spell of the Sand PaintingKuroamiDirector None 😵Shows Katsu KaishuKatsu Kokichi (Kaishu's Father)Akō RōshiArai HakusekiLife of a FlowerIi Naosuke