Ďuro-TruľoImage not foundĎuro-TruľoJanuary 1, 198110% · 162 minsLoginResumen:Sin descripciónGéneros:😆 comedy🐲 fantasy🎤 musicDirector:Lucia ŠebováCast:Marián Zednikovič-Zuzana Kronerová-Eva Krížiková-Milan Kiš-Ingrid Filanová-Ján Greššo-Vilma Jamnická-Ľudovít Tóth-Kamila Magálová-Ivan Krivosudský-Peter Debnár-Ivan Matulík-Gustáv Herényi-Jozef Šimonovič ml.-Show +Relacionados:TrollsYesterdayTrolls World TourThe Muppet Christmas CarolTenacious D in The Pick of DestinyAlvin and the Chipmunks: The SqueakquelAlvin and the Chipmunks: ChipwreckedTrolls Band TogetherBedknobs and BroomsticksChitty Chitty Bang BangSteven Universe: The MovieSpice World