AzoomaAzoomaApril 18, 201355% · 1975 minsLoginResumen:A mother goes to extreme measures against her daughter's attacker after after feeling that the local law enforcement have failed her.Géneros:💣 crime🔪 thrillerDirector:Lee Ji-seungCast:Jang Young-namAzoomaDon LeeDetective MaHwang Tae-kwangManBae Sung-wooHusbandLee Jae-heeHyun-JooChu Gwi-jeongCounsellorUm Tae-gooPoliceDo Yong-gu-Choi Sun-joongDoctorRelacionados:Cold in JulyThe Murderers Are Among UsMission: Impossible IIIIrreversibleThings to Do in Denver When You're DeadShaft54321Burns PointThe Assassination of Richard NixonKill Bill: Vol. 1A History of ViolenceMemento