Dialogues After the End
Pavese considered Dialogues with Leucò his best work. Eloquent and at the same time sententious and fragile, but implausible among humanized gods, demigods, heroes, and other pagan figures of Greek mythology, who question, through the imaginary of myths, the society of contemporary man. Out of a time and a certain space, and thus, and like all myths, always current.
- 👥 drama
- Adriano LuzStranger
- Isabel AbreuSappho
- Joana RibeiroCalypso
- João Pedro VazHesiod
- João Pedro MamedeOedipus
- Maria do Céu RibeiroTiresias
- Beatriz MaiaBritomarti
- João EstimaEndymion
- Rita CabaçoBacca
- Luís AraújoOrpheus
- Miguel BorgesOdysseus
- Sofia DiasMnemosyne
- Marco MendonçaIxion
- Beatriz BrásCloud
- Mariana GuardaAriadne
- Victoria GuerraLeucothea
- João VicenteHypolocus
- Sílvio VieiraSarpedon
- António DurãesBellerophon
- Sandra FaleiroDiana
- Vicente GilVirbius
- Ivo AlexandreLityerses
- Nuno LopesHeracles
- Matamba JoaquimFather
- Rui Pedro SilvaSon
- Adriano CarvalhoThanatos
- Júlia ValenteEros
- Tónan QuitoChiron
- Isabél ZuaaHermes
- Iris CayatteHuntress
- Lara MesquitaHuntress
- Romeu CostaAchilles
- Welket BunguéPatroclus
- Mário CoelhoSatyr
- Rita Rocha SilvaHamadryad
- Albano JerónimoDionysus
- Maria João PinhoDemeter
- António FonsecaOedipus
- Valdemar SantosBeggar