Marco, Guido, Leo, Luisa, Gaelle and Mattia have different mothers, they are not all biological children of the same father but they have a single true father figure of reference: Manfredi Alicante. When the latter passes away, they all find themselves together for the first time in their father's house in Bordeaux, living the illusion of being able to become a united family. But now each of them brings with them a story, an identity and going back won't be easy.
- 😆 comedy
- Riccardo ScamarcioMarco
- Adriano GianniniGuido
- Gabriel MontesiLeo
- Valentina BellèLuisa
- Claire RomainGaelle
- Mati GaleyMattia
- Linda CaridiGiorgia
- Judith El ZeinNadine (third wife)
- Imma VillaPatrizia (first wife)
- Antonella PonzianiMarinella (second wife)
- Camilla BarbieriVirginie
- Gioele DixManfredi
- Axel Gallois-
- Luigi CazzanigaTristan - Ami Virginie