Long Live Life
The movie starts with an interview with director Claude Lelouch. He pleads viewers not to disclose the plot of the movie after leaving the projection room. Even the movie's trailer shows only a long sequence of faces gazing speechlessly in space. "Like all my movies, this one is about a man and a woman", says Lelouch in the interview.
- 🔪 thriller
- 😆 comedy
- 👥 drama
- 🔍 mystery
- 🚀 science-fiction
- Charlotte RamplingCatherine Perrin
- Michel PiccoliMichel Perrin
- Jean-Louis TrintignantFrançois Gaucher
- Évelyne BouixSarah Gaucher
- Charles AznavourEdouard Takvorian
- Laurent MaletLaurent Perrin
- Tanya LopertJulia
- Raymond PellegrinBarret
- Charles GérardCharles
- Anouk AiméeAnouk
- Myriam BoyerPauline
- Patrick DepeyrratTaxidriver
- Maryline EvenA Witness
- Philippe LaudenbachProfessor Sternberg
- Denis LavantCaviar delivery man
- Martin LamotteTV Journalist
- Ged MarlonBuilding contractor
- Mado MaurinFrançois's Mother
- Jacques NolotInspector
- Pascale PellegrinClaire
- Claude Lelouchhimself