Red Desert Nights: Making Ghosts of MarsRed Desert Nights: Making Ghosts of MarsDecember 4, 200156% · 317 minsLoginResumen:Documentary about the making of John Carpenter's sci-fi horror movie, Ghosts of Mars.Géneros:🗃 documentaryDirector:Laura NixCast:John CarpenterSelfNatasha HenstridgeSelfIce CubeSelfJason StathamSelfClea DuVallSelfRelacionados:Finding Hope HomeThe KIDBOY TOURCyber Crime: The Dark Web UncoveredIt Came from... Baltimore!!Investigation Into the Invisible WorldSold For Parts: A Fontaines DC DocumentaryL'Âge d'or de la pubNo SmokingLost BoyA Year in a FieldOnce upon a time... "I, Daniel Blake"Handmade - A Tale of Stop-motion