Carné, You Said Carné?Image not foundCarné, You Said Carné?December 31, 199410% · 130 minsLoginResumen:A primer on French film director Marcel Carne's career through interviews with critics and close creative collaborators.Géneros:🗃 documentaryDirector:Jean-Denis BonanCast:François Forestier-Jean-Pierre Jeancolas-Annie Girardot-Michèle Morgan-Jean-Pierre Aumont-Henri Alekan-Relacionados:TysonJackass: The MovieJackass 2.5Jackass Number TwoJackass 3DBatman Unmasked: The Psychology of The Dark KnightThinking XXXThe SecretBruce Lee: A Warrior's JourneyBruce Lee: The LegendJackie Chan: My StoryZombies: A Living History