Mata HariImage not foundMata HariFebruary 10, 197110% · 198 minsLoginResumen:Sin descripciónGéneros:👥 dramaDirector:Jaroslav DudekCast:Slávka Budínová-Radovan Lukavský-Jiří Adamíra-Jan Kačer-Felix le Breux-Jana Šulcová-Ilja Racek-Petr Haničinec-Gabriela Vránová-Čestmír Řanda-Václav Kaňkovský-Josef Bláha-Helena Smrčková-Jaroslav Kotrba-Show +Relacionados:The Case of Sergeant GrischaThe UnbelieverThe Lost BattalionCowardDoppio agguatoCaptive of the DesertThe Return of the SoldierPerfect SistersTarahumara (Further and farther)And Give My Love to the SwallowsMurder OneMr. Gam’s Victory