The Wolf Man: From Ancient Curse to Modern MythThe Wolf Man: From Ancient Curse to Modern MythFebruary 2, 20100% · 010 minsLoginResumen:A documentary produced for Universal about their early Wolf Man film(s)Géneros:🗃 documentaryDirector:None 😵Cast:Joe DanteSelfKim NewmanSelfMick GarrisSelfJohn LandisSelfRick BakerSelfStephen JonesSelfSteve HabermanSelfJonathan RigbySelfRelacionados:Zombies: A Living HistoryGrounded: Making The Last of UsEnnioX-Men: The Mutant WatchI'm a Porn Star: Gay 4 PayI Am Iron ManThor: Assembling the TroupeSexologyPornocracy: The New Sex MultinationalsAfter Porn Ends 2The Beatles: Eight Days a Week - The Touring YearsRocco