Hiroshima and Nagasaki: 75 Years LaterHiroshima and Nagasaki: 75 Years LaterAugust 2, 202068% · 2079 minsLoginResumen:Hiroshima and Nagasaki: 75 Years Later is told entirely from the first-person perspective of leaders, physicists, soldiers and survivors.Géneros:🗃 documentary📜 historyDirector:James ErskineCast:None 😵Relacionados:Fat Man and Little BoyVeteransImage not foundShipyardLion of the DesertThe Atomic CafeTonight We Raid CalaisMirrorGrandmother Told GrandmotherMemoirs of a GeishaZeitgeschichte - Deutsche Städte in Flammen - Luftangriff auf BerlinCharlotteUnsinkable: Japan's Lost Battleship