Marcelo leaves his family and moves to Mato Grosso do Sul, where he learns how to fly airplanes by himself watching the pilots. One day, he responds the call of a drug dealer and uses his boss' plane to help the man to transport his cargo. He is hired by the drug lord to work transporting drugs in his airplanes. When he is arrested by the Federal Police, he does not rat his gang and the leader of the cartel gives a large amount of money as a bonus and asks him to leave the gang since he is known by the police. Marcelo uses the money to promote a party in the Carnival of Recife pretending to be the son of the owner of the Gol (a Brazilian air flight company). He lures the high-society, including the television presenter Amaury Jr. Marcelo is arrested again and is sent to prison. During a rebellion, he uses his leadership to present the claims of the prisoners and help to control the situation.
Show +GĂ©neros:
- đ„ drama
- Wagner MouraMarcelo
- Gisele FrĂłesSilvia
- Roger GobethRenato Jacks
- Arieta CorrĂȘaSandra
- Norival RizzoPai de Marcelo
- Amaury JrAmaury Jr
- Emiliano RuschelFausto
- Marcela FalciAluna Loira
- Heitor GoldflusProfessor de Biologia
- CecĂlia Homem de MelloDiretora
- João Francisco TotteneMarcelo criança
- Carlos GrilloFaxineiro Aeroporto
- Marcelo SzpektorBarman
- Gigi MonteiroCliente Loira
- Bia PaganiniAtendente Kely
- Dato de OliveiraChicĂŁo
- Davi de AlmeidaPacheco
- Augusto MadeiraLima
- Juliano CazarréBanã
- Milhem CortazEike Gomes
- Carlos DiasValter
- Ricardo PettineJair
- Edmilson CordeiroTatuzinho
- LecoBanda Sua MĂŁe, baterista
- GabrielBanda Sua MĂŁe, Guitarrista
- ClaudinhoBanda Sua MĂŁe, Baixista
- Fabiana BentoGĂȘmea 1
- Drika TorresGĂȘmea 2
- Wilton AndradeAssis
- Leandro Daniel ColomboSilva
- Beto SchultzJuvenal
- Tales PenteadoSamuca
- Flåvio VazSegurança
- Marisol RibeiroLica
- Juliana SchalchLu Paes
- Felipe EhrenbergGonzales
- Thiago DottoriCliente Bar do Piloto
- Ivi MesquitaPassista
- Creo KellabOtĂĄvio
- MĂĄrcia de OliveiraVivi
- Juliana HelcerGarota da Piscina
- Luiz ValcazarasPaparazzo 2
- Luciana BritesSuzy
- Graziele GrassoniEllen
- Wendy WolfModelo Ruiva
- LĂșcia BronsteinJovem Piercing Nariz
- Diana GalantiniProdutora Amaury
- Maria EugĂȘnia AlmeidaDançarina de Frevo
- Fred SteffenHomem 1 Beijo Triplo
- Waldir GrilloHomem 2 Beijo Triplo
- Renata LaurentinoMulher Beijo Triplo
- José NegreirosVendedor Beco
- Pablo SanĂĄbioPaulo
- Gustavo TrestiniPolĂcia Federal 1
- Haroldo CostaPolĂcia Federal 2
- Anapaula CsernikCliente Morena
- Paulo AméricoDente
- André Pires MartinsPrisioneiro Espanca
- Fernando MacĂĄrioPrisioneiro
- Kokada MaurĂcioPrisioneiro 2
- Daniel TorresPrisioneiro 3
- Deiwis JamaicaPrisioneiro 4
- FernĂŁo LacerdaComandante Bope
- Marcos MeloHomem 1 - Porta Retrato
- Beto NaciHomem 2 - porta retrato
- Jorge D'ElĂaPatrĂŁo
- DĂ©bora AoniSchoolgirl