Alma Krause is the proud owner of a thoroughbred French bully. Even otherwise, she nurses and harbors several two- and four-legged friends in her apartment - just as one would expect from a veterinarian's widow. Her nephew Heinz, on the other hand, is kind of beaten. Not as for the love of animals, that would fit badly to a nascent vet, but for a small animal practice, as the blessed uncle operated, he seems to have no ambitions. A future as a "Bazillenscheuche" in the cowshed would like to spare him again Aunt Alma. And she takes her appropriate action.
- 😆 comedy
- Agnes KrausAlma Krause
- Fred MahrDr. Otto Kröpelin
- Wolfgang PenzHeinz Rascher
- Marta RašlováJana Novak
- Fred DelmareKrischan Hahnemann
- Lubomír KostelkaPavel Novak
- Anne Wollner-
- Miriam Kantorková-
- Gerd Ehlers-
- Gösta Knothe-
- Reinhard Michalke-
- Klaus Mertens-
- Elli Jessen-Somann-
- Otmar Richter-
- Hellena Büttner-
- Friedrich Teitge-
- Carola Braunbock-
- Horst Papke-
- Theresia Wider-
- Norbert Schwarz-
- Manuela Marx-
- Gertrud Brendler-