Russian pop stars are flying to Baku for the "Heat" festival. Among them is Dasha Steklova, a talented debutante whose fame began with a victory in a popular musical TV show. Dasha doesn't want to play by the rules and craves creative freedom. In Baku, having quarreled with her producer (and also a young man), the girl runs away. In a fabulous city breathing music and sunshine, she is waiting for a lot of adventures and romantic encounters that will help Dasha fulfill her dream and become truly happy.
- 😆 comedy
- Diana PozharskayaDasha Steklova
- Nail AbdrakhmanovMurad
- Sergey ChirkovArtyom
- Magomed MurtazaalievRamin
- Dmitry LysenkovNikolay
- Nikolay ShrayberLeonid
- Anton LapenkoSasha
- Grigoriy LepsGrigoriy Leps
- Nikolay BaskovNikolay Baskov
- Ani LorakAni Lorak
- ValeriyaValeriya
- Filipp KirkorovFilipp Kirkorov
- Iosif PrigozhinIosif Prigozhin
- Egor BulatkinEgor Kreed
- Lolita MilyavskayaLolita
- Natalya IonovaGlukoza
- Yana ChurikovaYana Churikova
- Yuliya BaranovskayaYulia Baranovskaya
- Yana KoshkinaYana Koshkina
- Emin AgalarovEmin
- Fuad OsmanovTeymur
- Aleksandr SamoylenkoPilot
- Leonid KanevskyLeonid Kanevskiy
- Timur YunusovTimati
- Aleksey VesyolkinPilot
- Steven SeagalSteven Seagal
- Leonid AgutinLeonid Agutin
- Aleksandr MarshalAleksandr Marshal
- Dima BilanDima Bilan
- Polina GagarinaPolina Gagarina
- Emil AbbasovDirector of the Philharmonic