In a small suburb on the outskirts of Rome, the cheerful heat of summer camouflages a stifling atmosphere of alienation. From a distance, the families seem normal, but it’s an illusion: in the houses, courtyards and gardens, silence shrouds the subtle sadism of the fathers, the passivity of the mothers and the guilty indifference of adults. But it’s the desperation and repressed rage of the children that will explode and cut through this grotesque façade, with devastating consequences for the entire community.
- 👥 drama
- Elio GermanoBruno Placido
- Tommaso Di ColaDennis Placido
- Giulietta RebeggianiAlessia Placido
- Gabriel MontesiAmelio Guerrini
- Justin Alexander KorovkinGeremia Guerrini
- Barbara ChichiarelliDalila Placido
- Lino MusellaProfessor Bernardini
- Ileana D'AmbraVilma Tommasi
- Max MalatestaPietro Rosa
- Aldo OttobrinoPadre di Ada
- Cristina PellegrinoSusanna Rosa
- Giulia MelilloViola Rosa
- Laura BorgioliAda Tartaglia
- Enrico PittariCugino di Amelio
- Sara BertelàPreside
- Federico MajoranaFidanzato di Vilma
- Raquel Electra-
- Giulia GalianiMadre di Ada
- Max TortoraNarratore