Doremi & You
Four friends: Putri, Anisa, Imung, and Markus, try to change the money from the choir extracurricular that they accidentally omitted, by participating in the 'Doremi & You' singing competition. The struggle of the four friends to win the competition is difficult when Reno, the choir assistant coach who is expected to become their coach, turns out to be their toughest rival in the competition.
- 👥 drama
- Devano DanendraReno
- Naura AyuPutri
- Nashwa ZahiraAnisa
- Fatih UnruImung
- Toran WaibroMarkus
- Ence BagusMr. Hardi
- Sekar SariPutri's Mother
- Simhala AvadanaPutri's Father
- Fellinda DucretCitra
- Dyah AniekImung's Mother
- Michael JakarimilenaMarkus' Father
- PaundrakarnaReno's Father
- Sulistyo KusumawatiReno's Mother
- Teuku Rifnu WikanaJohan
- KaneishiaTania
- SudarmadhiImung's Driver
- Fikri Nur AdaniAgus, Dancer
- Finn MeiersBudi
- Gregorius ArielCiko
- Christian GeorgeDulah
- Melky BajajMC Doremi + You
- Muhammad Abe BaasyinDeriel Zubeen
- Kedung Darma RomanshaGeorge Sutriawan
- Pritt TimothyMichael B. Suprapto
- LutfiSchool Security
- Haru SandraTeacher A
- Jegeg Putu GithaTeacher B
- PancoEka
- Ojing J. RaharjoSoto Seller
- Alex SuhendraMusic Shop Owner
- Pak SamsuPorridge Seller
- Kla UBusker
- Devy Indrasasi SteffaniRecording Studio Receptionist
- Alit JabangbayiSound Operator
- Ernanta KusumaJacket Seller
- Gogot SuryantoMarkus' Father Subordinates
- Stehanus SukirnoLincak Seller
- Ayub Arief FananiHandphone Seller
- DebbyFuel Buyer
- Giras BasuwondoFuel Seller
- Abianda Sidiq AssalamDancer
- Abror Ilhan Syadiidan R.Dancer
- Aisya MaharaniDancer
- Anakku MatahariDancer
- Anas Faizal NugratamaDancer
- Aulia MentariDancer
- Beneditch Ximen G.Dancer
- Daniel NovaldaniDancer
- Dhimas Adam AryantoDancer
- Dhimaz Ramadhan Putra U.Dancer
- Eladia Rimba Angkasa S.Dancer
- Fajar Dwi AtmokoDancer
- Fatwa Dwi Oga MelanioDancer
- Ilham Tri WiastomoDancer
- Jasmine Prameswari OetomoDancer
- Kabhinawa Luh Cintamani A.Dancer
- Kainalau Kidul ScanlanDancer
- Leiluna Padma ScanlanDancer
- M. Naufal Pasha Daffa DevanoDancer
- Maisyarah A.M.Dancer
- Marsha Givera Artadianti P.Dancer
- Melati HarrisDancer
- Monica Shellyn Rista OktaviaDancer
- M. Naufal Aji SanjayaDancer
- Nabilah M.K. UmarellaDancer
- Nareswari DarlineDancer
- Nayla Keisha KhoirunisaDancer
- Nyimas Dyah ChalisaffiaDancer
- Raihan ArfiansyahDancer
- Sekar Ratri NugraheniDancer
- Twistanisa Atha Brilliant JimiDancer