The Apprentices
Antoine is a failed and depressed writer. Fred doesn't do much in his life and seems to be happy about it. The two of them share an apartment and live in a shambles. The adventures and mostly the misadventures of these two buddies/losers, makes them realise that despite everything that happens their friendship is the most important thing in their lives.
- 😆 comedy
- 👥 drama
- Marie TrintignantLorette
- François CluzetAntoine
- Guillaume DepardieuFred
- Judith HenrySylvie
- Claire LarocheAgnès
- Philippe GirardNicolas
- Bernard YerlèsPatrick
- Jean-Pol BrissartRédacteur en Chef de Karaté Mag.
- Blandine PélissierJeune Femme Agence Immobilière
- Jean-Michel JulliardMédecin
- Zinedine SoualemServeur Café
- Philippe DuclosRédacteur en chef mots croisés
- Philippe DuquesneJeune Papa du Loyer 48
- Sophie MounicotSurveillante Magasin de Photos
- Serge RiaboukineProfesseur de Théâtre