Barnes, the mate of the 'Portland', is the object of the hate of the whole ship's crew. His mistress is murdered shortly before the departure and suspicion naturally falls on him. Some time later, Jeff Cooper, the skipper, falls to his death in the middle of the night. Once again Barnes is suspected and the mate has to resort to force to maintain his authority on board. During the stopover, Barnes is interrogated and finally cleared. He is even appointed captain of the 'Portland' in replacement of Jeff and can marry his best friend's daughter.
- 🗺 adventure
- 👥 drama
- Albert PréjeanDick Kaufman
- Pierre RenoirCaptain Jeff Cooper
- André AlermeCaptain Little
- René DaryBarnes, second in command
- André BurgèreCésar
- Jean BrochardDauphin, the boss
- Henri CrémieuxSharp, the radio
- Marie DéaMary
- Lucien Coëdel'Pomme d'Amour'
- Robert DarèneCrew member
- Jean DaurandGus
- Maurice Devienne-
- Guy FavièresSheriff
- Cecil GraneShip's boy
- Gérard LandryJaspers
- Robert LepersCrew member
- Albert MalbertChief mechanic
- Franck MauriceCrew member
- Marcel MelracCrew member
- Solange MoretRose
- SorgelCrew member