Some Time Later
Planet Earth, 9177. The remains of humankind live in a post-apocalyptic environment divided into only two social classes: the ruling king and the oligarchs who inhabit the Representative Building and the poor of the world who hardly survive in the slums built around it.
- 😆 comedy
- 🚀 science-fiction
- Roberto ÁlamoJosé María
- Blanca SuárezMéndez
- Iñaki ArdanazFlorián
- Carlos ArecesEufemiano
- María BallesterosSister Sacramento
- Javier BódaloÁngel Luis
- Andreu BuenafuenteZumalacárregui
- María CaballeroIsabel
- Nerea CamachoMargarita
- Martín CaparrósZalduendo
- Raúl CimasPozueco
- Antonio de la TorreFather Miñarro
- Secun de la RosaPastrana
- Estefanía de los SantosMayor's Wife
- Gabino DiegoKing
- Saturnino GarcíaShepherd
- Fernando GonzálezPacheco
- Eva HacheSara Gutemberg
- Miguel HerránRay
- Chaki MedinaPerico
- Pepe OcioFriar Vicente
- Joan PeraDon Faustino
- Luis PerezaguaVictoriano
- Daniel Pérez PradaMorris
- Miguel RellánDon Alfonso
- Joaquín ReyesArriondas
- Berto RomeroAgustín
- César SaratxuGalbarriato
- Manolo SoloMayor
- Arturo VallsJusto
- Soleá MorenteFlamenco Woman
- TomasitoFlamenco Man #1
- Víctor IniestaFlamenco Man #2
- Elisa BelmonteOpera Singer
- Luis BondíaBirrioso
- Fernando CornejoCaptain
- Elena CoronelRebel Youth Girl
- Ricardo del CastilloSouth American Man #1
- Lina ForeroPepita
- Luis G. GámezAnselmo
- Henry IzaSouth American Man #2
- Nacho LópezBarbershop Customer
- Rafael MorenoLittle Gypsy
- Nacho RedondoNewcomer
- Daniel RomeroFandango Man
- Silvia VacasSwimming Pool Girl
- Marcos ZhangLi
- Carolina BangOutraged Woman
- Joaquín SabinaEl del Corte Virguero
- José Luis CuerdaNarrator (voice) (uncredited)