Picasso: The LegacyPicasso: The LegacyJanuary 23, 201440% · 2110 minsLoginResumen:A never-before-seen portrait of the artist’s life through his entire body of work, from his sketches as a child prodigy until his final paintings.Géneros:🗃 documentaryDirector:Hugues NancyCast:Pablo PicassoSelf (archive footage)Françoise GilotSelf (archive footage)Relacionados:Jackass 3.5Porno UnpluggedAmerican Pie: RevealedInside JobBruce Lee: The LegendI Am Bruce LeeMichael Jackson: The Life of an IconEmpire of Dreams: The Story of the Star Wars TrilogySex Story: Fifty Shades of GreyA History of SexSamsaraOne Direction: This Is Us