The Embargo ProjectThe Embargo ProjectMay 6, 20150% · 073 minsLoginResumen:Five Indigenous women filmmakers from across Canada challenge one another to make a film under a set of restrictions tailored to each filmmaker.Géneros:👥 dramaDirector:Alethea Arnaquq-BarilCaroline MonnetElle-Máijá TailfeathersLisa JacksonZoe Leigh HopkinsCast:Clint Andrew-Marie BrassardRobertaKindall Charters-Elle-Máijá Tailfeathers(segment "Bihttos: Rebel")Malaya Qaunirq Chapman-Gregory 'Dominic' Odjig-Paul Nutarariaq-Kevin Loring-Elisapee Johnston-Relacionados:Strange DaysDesert HeartsBeyond SilenceGrbavica: The Land of My DreamsBollywood/HollywoodLongingThe Narcissus SeasonJamila and the PresidentPerestroika: ReconstructedScar TissueMy Life Without MeOpen Hearts