A Prince's Young LoveA Prince's Young LoveDecember 22, 19330% · 098 minsLoginResumen:Period romance set in Bismarck's Second Empire about a nobleman who wants to marry the daughter of a lowly pharmacist.Géneros:😆 comedyDirector:Arthur RobisonCast:Willy FritschFürst Leopold von Anhalt-DessauPaul HörbigerDer KaiserTrude MarlenAnnelieseIda WüstFürstinmutterGustav WaldauBaron von ChalisacHubert von MeyerinckGraf von SyringenAlice TreffPrinzessin Marie von HessenPaul MederowOberst HallRelacionados:Life of BrianMonsters, Inc.The TerminalBeverly Hills Cop IIIBruce AlmightyGood Bye, Lenin!The Devil Wears PradaChocolatFrench KissBatman & RobinThe Life Aquatic with Steve ZissouIce Age