Josef visits a dilapidated Sanatorium to see his father. Josef undertakes a strange journey through the many rooms of the sanatorium, each which conjures worlds composed of his memories, dreams and nightmares.
- 🐲 fantasy
- 👹 horror
- Jan NowickiJózef
- Tadeusz KondratJakub
- Filip ZylberRudolf
- Halina KowalskaAdela
- Irena OrskaJózef's Mother
- Gustaw HoloubekDr. Gotard
- Mieczysław VoitBlind Conductor
- Bożena AdamekBianka
- Ludwik BenoitSzloma
- Henryk BoukołowskiFireman
- Seweryn DaleckiTeodor
- Jerzy PrzybylskiMr. de Voss
- Julian JabczyńskiDignitary
- Wiktor SadeckiDignitary
- Janina SokołowskaNurse
- Tadeusz SchmidtOfficer
- Szymon SzurmiejJewish Man Reciting False Qoheleth's Verses
- Jan SzurmiejInstructive Jewish Man
- Michał SzwejlichJewish Man by the Ladder
- Paweł UnrugOrnithologist
- Marek BarbasiewiczWaiter
- Jerzy BekkerWax Figure of Napoleon III
- Jerzy BraszkaWax Figure of Leatherstocking
- Zofia BajukWax Figure of Queen Elizabeth
- Emir BuczackiWax Figure of Benito Juarez
- Romuald Drobaczyński-
- Andrzej HerderWax Figure of Buffalo Bill
- Jolanta HaniszBianka's Mother
- J. Jablonski-
- Jerzy JaneczekWax Figure of Luigi Lucheni
- Marek Jasiński-
- Elżbieta Kijowska-
- Leszek KowalewskiWax Figure of a Young Genius
- Mirosława LombardoWax Figure of Queen Draga
- Irena MalkiewiczLady in Black
- Bolesław MierzejewskiWax Figure of Franz Joseph I
- Włodzimierz NowakWax Figure of Archduke Maximilian
- Barbara Okonska-KozlowskaTluja
- Stanisław OlczykWax Figure of Victor Emmanuel
- Józef ŁodyńskiMajordomo in Panopticon
- Czesław PiaskowskiWax Figure of Otto von Bismarck
- P. PodgórskiWax Figure of Maximilien de Robespierre
- Edward Radulski-
- Barbara Rogalska-
- W. Rutecki-
- Wladyslaw SitkoWax Figure of Alfred Dreyfus
- Waldemar GawlikNameless Man (uncredited)
- Jolanta JackowskaWax Figure of Charlotte Corday (uncredited)
- Alicja KlubaWax Figure of George Sand (uncredited)
- Leopold Rene NowakRudy, Ptak (uncredited)
- Jerzy TrelaWesolek (uncredited)
- Stanisław TylczyńskiWax Figure of Thomas Edison (uncredited)
- Wojciech StandełłoJew Interlocutor in Restaurant
- Stefania StaszewskaJewish Woman (uncredited)
- Gołda TencerJewish Woman (uncredited)
- Irena IzykowskaBearded Woman at Final Party (uncredited)