Hard 'N Heavy Volume 6Hard 'N Heavy Volume 6January 1, 198910% · 180 minsLoginResumen:Video magazine with interviews and video clips. Featured on this volume is: The Cult, Scorpions, Kiss, Whitesnake, Michael Monroe, Voivod, Joe Satriani and more.Géneros:🗃 documentary🎤 musicDirector:Nicky PicassoCindy KeeferCast:Joe SatrianiSelfPaul StanleySelfNigel DickSelfRelacionados:AmySearching for Sugar ManCobain: Montage of HeckThis Is ItMiss AmericanaGaga: Five Foot TwoThe Greatest Night in PopThe Beatles: Eight Days a Week - The Touring YearsStop Making SenseBeastie Boys StoryHOMECOMING: A film by BeyoncéSupersonic