John-John is young and black, growing up with his mother and stepfather in a boring suburb south of Stockholm. On one of the last days of the summer vacation, they rescue 10-year old Patricia from drowning at a public bath in Vinterviken in Lake Mälaren. Her father shows his gratitude by taking them home to the wealthy neighborhood, Bromma, where he and his family lives. John-John meets his daughter Elisabeth, and instantly fall in love with her. But it's a long way to go before he wins her love and her father's consent.
- 💣 crime
- 👥 drama
- David TaintonJohn-John Sundberg
- Lina EnglundElisabeth
- Martin LindqvistSluggo
- Peter HaberFrank, Elisabeths father
- Anki LidénLisbeth, Elisabeths mother
- Jeanette EklinderPatricia, Elisabeths sister
- Kjell BergqvistRolf, John-Johns stepfather
- Maria WeisbyJohn-Johns mother
- Ulrika HanssonLena
- Hasse JonssonRaimo
- Lilian JohanssonNurse
- Lakke MagnussonPetrol man
- Henrik DorsinSchool boy
- Allan SvenssonJanne Holm, teacher
- Eric EricsonStaffan Nykvist
- Daniel LarssonHåkan
- Michael KallaanvaaraIvo
- Bamdad BarghshiBoy on bicycle
- Irene LindhMajken
- Katarina EhnmarkDrama teacher