


January 1, 2003

43% Β· 11

83 mins


Damion Dietz's NEVERLAND is a dark, modernized, and highly original retelling of the childhood classic PETER PAN. In this version, Peter (Rick Sparks) is a juvenile delinquent, Tinkerbell (Kari... Damion Dietz's NEVERLAND is a dark, modernized, and highly original retelling of the childhood classic PETER PAN. Peter takes Wendy to Neverland β€” a burnt-out suburban amusement park populated by drag queens, drug addicts, prostitutes and such β€” the ultimate fantasy-adventure becomes a fascinating nightmare in this bold retelling of the Peter Pan story.


  • πŸ—Ί adventure
  • πŸ‘₯ drama
  • 🐲 fantasy